The Optimized-Marketing laboratory is buzzing with new experiments, however the results from one test have been blowing us away…

Optimizing your website to convert more visitors to contacts is a crucial part of your web strategy!
The numbers are simply staggering. Almost unbelievable.
This test was run in 4 different states for 4 different businesses in the same industry and all produced the same winner at a statistically significant level.
Overall, the winner increased contacts an average of 253% over the control representing 200 more contacts per year for those 4 small businesses.
Did you catch that last part?
With no additional investment in TV, Radio, PPC, SEO, or any other form of advertising, combined those 4 businesses will have 200 more web contacts this year than without this test.
The answer is at the bottom.
The Unbelievable Power of Conversion Rate Optimization
This is the hardest thing for my team to explain to our clients because it just sounds ridiculous.
If the message on the page is the same and all the information is there, then why in the world would “minor tweaks” have such a drastic difference?
The answer to that has to do with a combination of eye movements over a web page, the “trigger points” of your visitor, and also understanding how to “optimize the thought process” of that visitor.
This is called Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and Chis Goward has a great definition:
Conversion Rate Optimization is the science and art of getting more revenue-generating actions from the same number of website visitors.
Here are a few common aspects of CRO:
- Optimizing page layouts based on eye movements from click-tracking data…
- Optimizing the thought process of the visitor by presenting information in the best order to maximize the chance that she will contact you… (i.e. You don’t put a contact form at the top of a page if the visitor still has to be convinced to contact you.)
- Optimizing the “flow” of visitors to direct them to the highest-converting pages…
- Surveying visitors to learn what problems you can best solve for them…
- Experimenting with all of these concepts to see what works best in the real world.
Conversion Rate Optimization is the most powerful tool available in the internet marketing world.
Imagine the potential improvement in all of your marketing if you KNEW scientifically which headline or offer generated more leads!
With that information in hand, you could now make your TV, Radio, direct mail and cross-marketing efforts more effective than ever before.
How much can your website truly grow and improve?
Most service-based business websites convert less than 10% of visitors to contacts (6-8% is on the high end). That means 9 out of 10 visitors leave your website without taking an action.
Increasing that to just 20%, 2 out of 10 visitors, is possible in almost every instance and we guarantee to at least double your contacts.
My team and I were joking recently that our business probably wouldn’t even exist if the ad agency for my water treatment business in New Mexico would have been able to tell me what to expect for a conversion rate and cost/contact for our marketing.
That lack of information is what kicked my engineering brain into high gear to figure out a way to use the internet to scientifically answer those crucial questions for small businesses.
Since then, we’ve learned how to take technology, science and expertise that Fortune 500 companies use, and bring it to small businesses.
But unlike those large companies with entire departments dedicated to the task, we’ve figured out how to do Conversion Rate Optimization for small businesses for as little as $400/month.
Optimizing your website isn’t a quick process because it takes mountains of data and bucket loads of testing but, over the long-term, it’s the most powerful way to get the absolute highest percentage of your website visitors to contact you.
The best part is, your competition has never even heard of this so you can be confident they aren’t doing it.
If you’re the first business in your market to learn how to scientifically get more leads per marketing dollar spent…
- You can start bidding more for Adwords and for more keywords.
- You can run more TV ads on more stations.
- You can mail out more postcards.
- You can increase the wallet share of your current customer list.
While your competitor is cutting back his marketing because “nothing is working”, you’ll be going full steam ahead because all of your marketing just keeps getting better and better results.
The Science of Conversion Rate Optimization applied to your website in just 15 minutes
The most eye-opening 15-minutes you may ever spend with your website will be on a Conversion Rate Optimization walk-through with one of our scientists.
You will “walk-through” your website with us step-by-step to learn where our research has proven you are scaring away good leads.
You are then welcome to compare that to one of our websites to see the “psychological tricks” we use to increase sales that most people would never even notice.
Fortune favors the bold so don’t be the last one in your market to have a CRO team on your side.
Carpe Diem!
To your conversion rate optimization success,
P.S. In this experiment, we moved the contact form from the sidebar into the body of the page. That’s it. The wording, form requirements, and other details were all the same, they were simply laid out differently.
Contact us for a 15-minute CRO walk-thru of your website. You’ll learn exactly where your website is bleeding away good leads.