Be an Ethical Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Business Builder

Owning a business MUST be part of your wealth generation strategy

The reason for this is actually extremely simple and direct: Taxes

If you could consistently make 20% MONTHLY returns in the stock market you’d still benefit from a small business. Realistically, I can’t think of a single reason not to own a small business. Even if the business only employs you, there are tax advantages though there are certain advantages, such as healthcare, that are only possible with people working with you.

Keeping in mind that less than 12% of millionaires, according to The Millionaire Mind, are professionals (i.e. doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.) and the vast majority create their riches through building a business, that’s actually beside the point. My point in this blog is simply that owning a brick and mortar business has many advantages that even your 1-man-show-no-employees-to-deal-with internet business can’t match. Let’s look at a few:

  1. Taxes
  2. Room to cutback
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Retirement Accounts

The quantity of tax advantages possible with a small business are for more numerous than a short blog can cover so I’ll touch on a few highlights:

  1. Pre-tax Expenses – Your gross pay is meaningless. Your net pay is all that matters and when your phone, internet, car, car insurance, business meals, and travel are all paid for by your business the savings are huge. As an example, if all of those pre-tax expenses add up to only $10,000 per year and you are in the 30% Federal Income bracket, have 5% state income tax and have to pay 15.3% in FICA (7.65% from the employee and 7.65% from the empoyer) you’d have to pay yourself over $20,000 in salary to afford the same expenses. If you own a business and those expenses only amount to $10,000/year you probably need a better accountant. Keep in mind you have to be honest about the use of those items. For instance, my company doesn’t pay for my entire cell phone bill because obviously I use the cell phone personally a portion of the time. The same is true for my vehicle allowance.
  2. Distributions – When you have a pass-thru entity you have to pay yourself a “reasonable” salary and the rest of the profit you can take as a distribution without paying any FICA tax (a savings of 15.3%).
  3. Racing This is probably my favorite! In essence, if you like racing cars, motorcycles, airplanes, bicycles or have some other hobby and you don’t mind plastering your race vehicle with your business’ logo, then your vehicle and most of the expenses related to racing can be paid for pre-tax as a marketing expense for your business.
  4. Real Estate – If your business requires a building and you own the building in a separate entity (most likely an LLC), your business can rent the building from your other entity and the rent is passive income that isn’t subject to FICA (again saving you 15.3% over a salary). Obviously the rent has to be reasonable.

As you can see, just these few items can quickly add up to tens of thousands of dollars in tax savings even with a business grossing less than $500,000 per year. Obviously, the larger the business, the greater the savings.

By room to cutback, I simply mean that if you have a business that employs just you and sales drop, guess who the first one to get fired is? On the other hand, if you have a business with just a dozen employees and sales start dropping now you have a lot more room to cut payroll before you’re out of a job or taking a pay cut. As a small business owner, I know personally that cutting others before you cut your own pay is extremely difficult to do, but you can’t deny that, if necessary, you and your family have a bit of extra security.

As for health insurance, if you have a few employees (at least prior to the new Healthcare Reform Bill) there were health insurance advantages to being on a group plan such as your rate is primarily based on your age and not pre-existing conditions. I learned this first-hand as I couldn’t get insurance as an individual but had no problem getting on my business’ plan.

Since it’s your business, you get to structure your SEP-IRA or other retirement vehicles in any way that you want. Of course you have to make the accounts available to everyone on your team, however you have the ability to structure the accounts to best benefit you. This power can have a major impact on your overall tax bill today and into retirement, so don’t overlook it.

Finally, if you’re looking for what type of entity to create, I highly recommend an LLC filing as an S-corp. Also, make sure you have a GREAT accountant to take care of all of the details of these tax advantages and to make sure you’re doing everything legally and ethically.

To your tax-saving success, Bryan

A few more ways to get tax-free money from your business…

As I’ve pointed out before, when dealing with customers, team members, suppliers and even the tax man I’m not at all a fan of doing anything “under-the-table” or unethical. So keeping that in mind, here are a few ways to get tax free money from your business.

  1. Credit Card Rebates – This would be the ever popular cashback, rewards, points, and travel credit cards. The IRS currently has no provisions for rebates of any kind so this can easily add hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in cash, gifts, or travel expenses into your pocket tax-free. I personally have 3 rebate cards. One from American Express, one CapitalOne visa, and a Discover card. The rebates range from 1-5% and in about 8 months of random purchases (both personal and corporate) I accumulated over $500 in rebates. My personal preference is to receive cash rebates so I can spend the money wherever I want however I’m looking into travel rebates since I tend to travel a lot.
  2. Purchase Rebates – These are the rebates you find at large retailers where you buy a fax machine and can receive a $50 mail-in-rebate. Guess what? The total expense is deductible and when the rebate comes in the money is yours. Check with your accountant (cause I’m definitely not one).
  3. Marketing – This is one of my favorites. A few weeks ago I sat down with my accountant and asked about my business sponsoring a race car at the local track. Turns out it’s 100% deductible. The racecar (or motorcycle), repairs, gas to get there, parts, etc. etc. can all be written-off as marketing expenses. If you are always racing something like me, then you really shouldn’t let this tax-free racing budget pass you by. Of course your race vehicle needs to advertise your business.
  4. Personal Development/Training – My accountant just educated me on this one recently. Currently I have 2 businesses that are about 4 hours apart with a total territory that would take me about 12 hours to circle by driving. Add to that the possibility of another business about 4 hours away in a different direction and the benefits of flying become quite obvious. So I’m working on getting my personal pilot’s license so I can fly myself around for business and also a bit just for fun. Just like with a company car, you need to figure out how much of your time is truly business and how much is personal and allocate the proper amount of your flight instruction and flying lessons through your business. Of course that would be a direct, pre-tax, business expense.
  5. Gifts – Not sure if this varies by state or is just for federal however my accountant informed me that a performance based incentive of up to $400 can be awarded to all employees without claiming it as taxable income each year. This can be in the form of a gift or simply cash. Hopefully you’ve performed well enough in your business to earn such an award. 🙂

It seems like I’m learning new, creative, legitimate ways to benefit from owning a business on a weekly basis so as I learn more I’ll post them. If you have any great ways to lessen your tax burden legally please let me know!

To your success, Bryan

P.S. I’m not an accountant and everyone’s situation is different, so make sure you check with your accountant before starting any of this. 🙂