There are things you need to have to be successful no matter what:
- Knowledge
- Experience
- Access to powerful resources
- A Plan or System to quickly evaluate businesses
- Strong Value Proposition and USP
But none of these are the most important thing…
Be an Ethical Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Business Builder
There are things you need to have to be successful no matter what:
But none of these are the most important thing…
This is the most powerful thing you can do for your business this week or next. A simple 1-2 page plan to cover your goals for the next 52 weeks is the best way to generate massive results this year and every year. And, yes, a useful, simple plan can be put together in under 60 minutes… While munching on cookies if you’re so inclined.
Here’s how…
In 60 minutes, that’s about all you can accomplish. From here, the next part is actually the toughest. You need to break down the To-Do list into weekly, digestible action items. Whether those items are for you or for someone else they need to be in bite-size chunks so you can feel confident in tackling 1 each week.
This is where an experienced business coach, consultant, or small business engineer can be immensely powerful. Not only can he help you determine exactly where to improve your business to achieve your goals, he can provide resources and weekly actionable items to keep you on track. He’ll save you enough time and money along the way that his service should pay for itself.
As a matter of fact, I’ve developed a Leadership Action Checklist that includes over 50 actionable improvements I’ve seen small businesses make to improve their bottom line and rely less on the owner. That list alone would almost entirely cut out steps 3 and 4 above.
Here are a few more tips on writing out your goals…
When writing goals, they need to be specific, actionable, and time-constrained. For instance, here are a few examples of poorly written goals:
Here are examples of how to make those goals more powerful:
The difference between the powerful goals and the “generic” ones is immense. Your mind can picture the second set of examples very clearly and it puts PRESSURE on you to get it done. The first set of goals can easily be pushed off or even “checked off” after achieving a fraction of what you originally intended by that goal.
To make the goals even more pressing, share them with your business partner, spouse, or business coach.
To your personal and business success in 2012, Bryan
P.S. I’m working from home this week surrounded by Christmas cookies so, though I intend to do my 2012 business plan while munching on cookies, and I highly recommend it, it’s not required.
It is much harder to leave security than it is to take a risk.
In Thomas Stanley’s book, The Millionaire Next Door, he points out that the profile of your average millionaire generally includes getting FIRED from his previous job and starting his own business. That’s right, the ultra-risk-taking macho entrepreneur millionaire you know generally became successful because, quite literally, he had no other option. Of course their are the guys, like me, who seemed to have everything going well but that just wasn’t enough and we had to venture out on our own and forge our own paths in business and in life. But don’t kid yourself, that give-up-something-great-to-get-something-better mentality is the VAST exception.
Keep that in mind the next time you’re reading a book or blog by a successful person who just happens to be in the minority who was just naturally programmed to never accept “good enough”. If that’s not you, you need to learn how to get over your current “security” in order to venture out on a “risk”. (I put both of those in quotes because they’re often not reality, but just figments of our imagination.)
So for the majority of people who have a job, house, family, car payments and a steady income, how do you decide to make the jump and take the risk of leaving your steady paycheck behind and trying something else?
If after evaluating your situation, you’ve now determined that it’s most likely time to move-on, check out a few of my other blogs that might help you get started:
The most important life lesson, and the key to success…
The first 3 steps to becoming wealthy
To your success, Bryan
P.S. If the concept of setting 10-year, or even 1-year, goals is a bit foreign to you, check out my blog on The 3 steps to become successful at anything…
In my last blog, we reviewed the 2 most basic types of people in any organization. Of course there are more specific and scientific personality tests and reviews along with detailed methods of how to best communicate with the 27 personality types, however who is ever going to remember 27 personality types let alone how they best interact with your own type? Moreover how are you going to remember exactly which person fits which type?
In contrast to that, my idea is simple, quick, and easy and though it won’t get you a perfect result every time, it’s certainly better than lumping everyone (including yourself) into one category.
That being said, in Marcus Buckingham’s book First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, he lays out the exact 12 things that every person requires to be effective at their job. I have probably recommended that book half a dozen times in my blog and if you’re a leader or manager for any business you need to read it. So let’s get a quick and simple review of what Buckingham’s exhaustive research points out. All team members require the following:
He has 12 items on his list. I cut it down to 6 overall so read the book to learn how to determine if your business is setup for maximum profit and productivity. The point of this exercise is to point out that no one can manage themselves. No matter how entrepreneurial someone is, if they have a boss, they need direction. Period.
Another commonality is goal-setting, though the way that goals are set can be different. According to a Yale study from 1953, the 3% of graduates who had written goals had amassed more wealth than the other 97% of classmates years after graduation. So regardless of your personality, written goals are extremely valuable.
Everyone should have written, measurable, time-sensitive goals. Those goals should include levels of education, income, savings, type of work, family matters, travel ambitions and everything in between. I’ve gone as far as to make a list of all of the motorcycles I’d like to own in my lifetime. Several are already checked off however the list seems to be growing faster than I can control at the moment. 🙂
Now most people have a general “big picture” idea of what they want. Things like, I want a family, I want a job that I love, I want my kids to respect me, I want to retire at 65 with $2 million dollars, I want to see Paris, etc. etc. etc. Now if you have all of that written down and you reference it often that’s a BIG step in the right direction. However you can do better. Here’s a quick 3 step process to setting goals:
The 3rd item is what we’ll address right now. As an extreme entrepreneur, my goals have time frames, but they are honestly relatively vague. For instance, in my lifetime I want to own at least 5 businesses, become a “young millionaire”, and write at least one book (though I have 4 in mind at the moment). As an entrepreneur, my immediate goal is to always find the best opportunity right now. That means in the next 12 months, I may write the book, buy another business, or get more schooling to help me learn more of the things that millionaires might know that I don’t. My point is, that my personality thrives on making the most of the moment. So instead of saying “I want to write a book by 2011”, I work on all of my goals at once and then go after the opportunity that’s best today, this month, or this year. In 2010 that may be writing that first book, or it may be visiting all the countries on my goal list, or it may be the next business. I’ll be working on all 3 and choose the path that is best at the time.
So how is that different than an intrapreneur? Intrapreneurs are more of the details individuals. They need specifics and they need specific time frames and they need a specific way to get there. Whereas I just need a “big picture”, an intrapreneur needs smaller goals to help achieve the larger ones. So if we take the same example of becoming a “young millionaire”, the successful intrapreneur will have a more specific goal list to achieve those goals.
For instance, their sub-goals to achieve the goal of becoming a millionaire might look more like this:
Why does the intrapreneur need so many sub-goals? Because something vague like “become a millionaire” seems so daunting an unattainable however when you break it down into small steps with specific time frames and details it becomes a whole lot easier for them to accept. Entrepreneurs can often feel much more comfortable and in-their-element with goals that are more vague. The exact details can at times make us feel trapped. That being the case is a detailed list bad for an entrepreneur? Of course not. As long as he can appreciate that it’s a guideline and the numbers and time frames will never be exact.
So my last question is, how does this help leaders better lead their teams?
As leaders, it’s our responsibility to provide progress reports, to develop job descriptions, and to help develop goals for team members within your organization. By now, I hope that it makes sense that those job descriptions, review sessions, and goal-setting meetings might be quite different for the 2 basic personality types.
To you success in providing the foundations of the common ground, Bryan
P.S. If you’re curious why my steps to becoming a young millionaire are primarily contingent upon buying, building, and selling businesses check out my blog on the topic.
Let’s face it, few of us are going to come up with a business model to rival Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Tom Anderson (Myspace), or Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google). Even fewer of us, given that brilliant idea, have the resources, connections, and outright talent to make our first business a multi-billion dollar enterprise over night. Yes it’s possible. However so is winning the lottery, getting attacked by a shark, and getting struck by lightning. The old fashioned way of creating an income of $1,000,000 per year is a bit different. The most common path requires you to own your own business. So your goal should obviously be to own your own business. That million bucks per year will be nice, however the true blessing of being a business owner is control over your most valuable asset – your time.
Now let’s clarify our goals by answering a few questions:
1. How much money do you want to make? Let’s say you want to make a million dollars per year. That’s over $83,000 per month, $19,230 per week, and $2740 per day. Would that satisfy you? If not, add your number in here. It helps to figure out and visualize EXACTLY how you’re going to spend your $2740 per day. The mind doesn’t know the difference between dreams and reality so start conditioning your mind now for that lifestyle and it’ll be a lot easier to get there.
Now that you have a target, here’s how you’re going to get it. Become a master at business and start searching for great businesses to buy and grow. If you want a million dollars, all you need to do is own a business that does $5 million in sales per year with a net profit of 20%. Twenty percent of $5 million is $1 million. Or find a business that does $10 million in sales with a net profit of 10%. Ten percent of $10 million is again $1 million. I wouldn’t look for a business that can’t accomplish at least a 10% net profit.
2. How much time do you want to spend working once the business is done? – Some people like to work and there’s nothing wrong with that. I work extremely hard right now, but it’s not because I have an unhealthy infatuation with it. If I had a trust fund I’m sure I’d be investing in businesses but I’d also be traveling, racing, engineering, and spending a lot less time working… Eventually I’d like to work less than 10 hours a week without ever coming into the office. How about you? If you’re going to buy a business and be the service leader, sales leader, and customer service representative then you’re never going to get out from under it. The only things that can truly be done remotely are marketing and communications… If you’re an owner taking on more then marketing and communication with your leaders then either plan to delegate or find another business. The other option is to sell your business once completed and live off of interest or rental properties…
3. How much time are you willing spend to build a business? Let’s face it, if you want to make a million dollars per year, it will probably take a bit longer than if you’re happy with $100,000. So if you’ve educated yourself, have some money saved up, have some decent connections, and already know how to negotiate, you can probably be making $100,000 per year within 2-3 years. Less if you’re really good. To turn that into a million per year will probably take another 5-7. Michael Masterson even wrote a book called Seven Years to Seven Figures: The Fast-Track Plan to Becoming a Millionaire which is worth a read. Realistically if you can do what you want with $10,000 per month, then why keep on working to make that $80,000 per month? Do you really need that much to enjoy life? If so, go for it.
There’s really only one trick to this… If you HATE business then forget about it. You’ll never be an expert at something you hate and obviously to achieve these goals you have to become an expert. If you only kinda like business then go for it. You’ll be amazed at how much more you’ll enjoy it when you start making regular deposits into your bank account. 🙂 Keep in mind, the business building doesn’t have to be your life – it’s just a means to an end if that’s what you want it to be. Determine what you want right now, though, before you get started!
Now that you have your clearly defined plan, you need to put it into action. Sell your PS3 and X-box, get rid of your television, and get to work. If you aren’t willing to make the sacrifices that provide you with the knowledge you need to make this goal a reality it’ll never happen anyway. The old fashioned way isn’t easy. It’s real work but with a real payoff. In my mind I’d rather work 80 hours per week when I’m in my 20’s so I can have some freedom later in life then work 40 hours per week for the next 40 years and have “nice” stuff all along the way. If you’re not willing to make that sacrifice, then just stop now and enjoy your 40 years in the work force. That doesn’t make you better or worse then me – just different. Granted, in my first 9 months at the businesses I’ve purchased I’ve spent over a month out of the office on trips. Some were business trips and some were vacation. I worked during all of them with the help of some technology, however I also had a lot of freedom to do other things. So, though I work really hard when I’m in town, I haven’t exactly given up my youth for the promise of a bright future. Life’s too short for all that. I have more freedom and time to enjoy life now then I have ever had while working for someone else.
Just today when I was coaching 1st and 2nd graders basketball, Andrew walked up to me and said “Coach, you should get a job like my dad.” “Oh really who does he work for?” “I don’t know but he can work whenever he wants he just has to let his boss know.” “Wow, that’s awesome Andrew, but I don’t have a boss.” His eyes got real big like only a 7 year old’s can – “So you can work whenever you want?” Laughing, I responded simply, “Sure.” A 7 year old understands the greatest part of being your own boss is your freedom – do you?
To your success, Bryan
My reason for writing this is because I’m asked by lots of people all the time how can they make money like me. Compared to the rest of the world, if you live in the USA, have a place to live, more than a few changes of clothes, and fresh food every day you’re rich. However, that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about being able to have the things that you want, take the vacations you desire, and live in the homes you dream of.
The first 3 steps to becoming wealthy are:
If you cannot do any one of these three things, then you will either never become wealthy or your only chance of acheiving great wealth is inheritance or the lottery. For the latter, you will most likely squander whatever you’re given anyway, since you don’t know how to spend less than you make no matter how much you make. 😉
1. Always spend less than you make. Time and time again you hear people, couples, children, etc. say if they only made another $5,000 per year or got that raise they needed everything would be fine. All the bills would be paid and they’d be out of debt in a jiffy. So what happens when they get the raise? They buy a new house, a new car, a new flat screen, etc. because they need those things and now they can afford it. Do NOT fall into that trap. If you cannot survive for the next 3-6 months with little or no income, then you have a problem. If your goal is to be wealthy, your FIRST step in that direction should be to have enough money in savings or other liquid assets to survive for 3-6 months with little or no income! If you cannot manage your own finances well, you will never be able to manage 2 or 3 or 100 times that much money for a business. Conversely, if you understand how to manage your own cashflow, translating that to business is a cinch.
Before buying my first business I had about 5 months where I only worked part time. At that time I owned 2 sports cars, a beautiful house with a 3-car garage, 1 motorcycle and the normal stuff you’d expect from a bachelor. 🙂 At the end of the 5 months I was down to 1 sports car (that I refinanced to lower my monthly payments), no motorcycle, and a whole lot fewer motorcycle and car parts then before. I needed to turn those possessions into liquid assets to pay my bills. The lawyer bills alone from the business purchase were more than I made on the sale of my car and motorcycle together! If an opportunity presented itself, would you be able to come up with the necessary cash to make the investment? Even if it’s as simple as buying and reselling a vehicle because it’s such a great deal.
2. Understand the difference between where you are and where you want to be is EDUCATION. Rich people know something that you don’t. What is it? Maybe it’s how to buy, build, and sell a business. Maybe it’s how to invest in real estate. Maybe it’s how to master the stock market. Maybe it’s negotiating skills, or public speaking talents, or simply how to find the best deals. The reason they have more money than you is because they know more than you about generating wealth. So how do you bridge that gap and learn what they know (and much more)??? Start with The Best 6 Books to Teach you how to Generate Wealth and then spend some time on my recommended reading selections. If you want the quickest (though still incomplete) lessons to get you up to speed, read my blogs. It will be worth the time and the price is right. 😉
3. Put your goals into the Do x Be = Have context. Obviously you need to read my blog on the topic to understand the full scope of this algorithm. However, a quick summary is simply this: know what you need to Do to become who you need to Be to get what you want to Have. In other words don’t just set goals, set the correct goals!
As a quick example of this, to purchase my business I needed 2 assets:
Moreover, I knew becoming a business owner was putting me on the right track to become who I needed to Be to obtain what I wanted to Have. Which is ultimately why I buy, build, and sell businesses.
To your success in generating wealth, Bryan
Most of what you're told about your website, PPC, SEO, and Social Media for service-based businesses just doesn't work. Learn the truth from my testing and research.
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Entrepreneurial Junky is probably the best way to describe me. I've bought, run and sold 3 businesses in 3 different states and started a 4th. The first 3 were brick-and-mortar service-based businesses and the 4th does internet marketing for service businesses. My team at Optimized Marketing guarantees to double your business' internet contacts in just 90 Days. [Read More …]
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